How To Find Your Calling (Free Candy Inside)
As you can see I’m filled with joy telling you all about how to find your calling in life.
Or I’m high on caffeine. You decide.
Welcome to the blog post about how to find your calling.
The point (hopefully) of the newsletter was to make it clear our addiction to the outer is never the answer, and that’s it’s all about the inward focus which will be super annoying to some of us since society is set up for you to learn how to make money, be in love and change your reality to make you happy which is the creation of our downfall.
There is everything right with making money.
There is everything right with being a superstar.
There is everything right with external success.
As long as it aligns with the parallel track of knowing what the hell I mean by experiencing the state of being.
The state of being is the limitless state. As Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj once said (say that name 5 times fast), “Freedom to do what one likes is really bondage, while being free to do what one must, what is right, is real freedom.”
So calling is knowing what one must do, what is right, and then doing it. The work then becomes how to access that, yes? And that is why knowing how to access this state of being is so vital. Without that experience of knowing we don’t know what to do, but do what we feel we must do for a number of ineffectual reasons that involve pleasing our ego, society and our mother.
Not a good idea.
So that’s why finding your calling is finding your inner state of being so you can have the money, love and fancy boat in Miami.
Why must this be the focus?
Why must we be serious, vigilant and devote our lives to this?
People are (mostly) super unreliable
Everything is unstable (meaning, the external world)
Refer to number 1 and 2.